Monday, June 28, 2010

stress + fun = good day:)

today has been super stressful. we were supposed to go to Houston to get my sisters visa for her exchange next year but then she accidentally booked the appointment in toronto, canada instead of in houston. wow and she also didnt have the paperwork all ready so we were stressing to figure all that out but then we realized that she didnt even have an appointment and my dad was mad and it was just really bad. along with all that stress i had a really good lunch. i went to macalasters(i cant spell) with some of my small group people and it was fun to catch up and talk. so today had very extremes. really stressful plus some fun ended in a pretty good day but there is still more to come because it is not the end of the day yet. sis and i are going shopping and then we are going to eat with my grandparents tonight for my grandmothers birthday. today will end good. im happy ive officially started blogging good and now im becoming official. well…toodles:)

Sunday, June 27, 2010


wow. i cant explain in words how much i have completely failed as a blogger. except i cant fully catch up now because im at caylies house and i dont want to catch up right now. yeah. so now im going to continue my blog failingness with this blog but hopefully soon i will become a better blogger. i really wonder if anyone is going to read this. well if you are i will be updating soon so you should read again. so long for now. -toodles